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In the Wake of

Fourth-Year Bachelor of Fine Arts Majors, Emma Kent and Kelsey-Lynn Corradetti, present solo and collaborative exhibition at Stauffer Library's Union Gallery. ‘In the Wake of’ is an exhibition of paintings, prints and photographs in which the artists seek to revisit forgotten moments in time via various artistic mediums. The artist express the idea of disconnect and disillusion associated with nostalgia and memory. Working with the figure and its relationship to space, the artists illustrate the effect that people and places of the past have on the present. Commenting on what one takes forward and what is left behind, how these memories are retold and rebuilt over time. The exhibit features both individual works by each artist, as well as a collaborative piece.Kelsey Lynn Coraddetti focuses on the psychological disconnect between image and memory. She explores one’s ability to rebuild memories found in photographic documentation and how these documents can evoke emotional memory and significance. Corradetti illustrates subjects from beauty, kinship to death. Exhibiting photographs which capture a true portal of the moments and rebuilding the comment surround these experiences through print medium.Emma Kent is fascinated by the tradition of storytelling and how these stories shape our morals, personalities and perspectives. Drawing inspiration from books, film, human interactions and traditions that inform personal and family histories, she uses family photographs as well as her own photography as subject matter. Kent comments on the bias of photography by using photographed scenes as a starting point to create a new story or narrative through the expressive medium of oil paint. Kent is able to manipulate and retell narrative creating a sense of dream and reality.The artists collaborative project featuring two eight-foot paintings hung as one to create a painting installation of their comments on personally history and experience. The collaboration process challenged the traditions of painting and the solo control an artist usually has over creating imagery. Kent and Corradetti created a sense of disconnect within the production of the works, one had to allow space for the others opinion to show. Combining both of their photographic collections, the artists trading back and forth, painting and repainting each other's images, presenting a dreamscape of figure in space. The sense of disconnect of memory and recreating a narrative are married in the collaboration of the artist work. The installation is filled with color and life while still enabling room for the viewers interpretation of the imagery. The viewer is able to stand within the painting providing a very individual experience with the imagery.‘In in Wake of’ is a true study of the use of multiple medium to manipulate, interpret and comment on human experience. The artists have covered a wide range of ideas while exhibiting a cohesive collection. The artist welcome and encourage the viewers to experience their own history within their representations.

Kelsey- Lynn Corradetti, Tosca, Photography, 2012

Kelsey- Lynn Corradetti, Kathleen, Photography & Monoprint, 2012

Emma Kent, Mother, Oil painting, 2012 

Part 1 & 2, Collaborative Painting Installation, Acyclic & Chalk drawing, 2013

Remaining Images - Artists working on a collaborative painting: 

Gallery Information Emma Kent & Kelsey-Lynn CorradettiJanuary 19 - February 8, 2013Reception: January 26, 6-8 pmArtist Talk: January 24, 2:30 pm