It’s exam season! Better yet, it’s exam season in Ontario’s third lockdown! I hope you’re doing well, but it’s alright if you are not. Quarantine, school, burnout, coronavirus - there’s too much going on in our lives, and none of it is helping any of us be physically, mentally, or spiritually well.If you’re in need of help to boost your health and wellness, this may be a good time to check out Rejuve-nation. Located on Princess Street in downtown Kingston, Rejuve-nation Wellness Experts offers state-of-the-art wellness programs and services to people of all ages and abilities. We had the opportunity to speak to Matthew Carter, the Managing Partner at Rejuve-nation, about his business and passion for the practice. How would you introduce Rejuve-nation to someone who has never heard of your business? What is your mission and vision?M: I would tell them that Rejuve-nation is a place for everyone. It's a sanctuary for self-care that will bring you closer to living at your highest potential. Whether that is to be stronger or dominate a competitive sport or find clarity, boost meditation practice, recover from an injury, or just simply have more energy on a daily basis, we provide everything under one roof for your convenience. Our mission is to provide and educate people of all ages and abilities about the wellness practices that lead to longevity, vitality, and living pain-free. We believe everybody has wellness goals, and our vision is to help identify those goals, and then help guide you to achieve those goals. When you join our team, we're committed to you achieving your success as much as you are. All we ask is that you show up ready to engage with the process.To that end, Rejuve-nation offers a diverse range of wellness services such as chiropractic care, acupuncture, CrossFit, personal training, and nutrition coaching. In particular, Rejuve-nation uniquely offers floatation-REST and cryotherapy. Floatation-REST involves experiencing zero-gravity in a flotation chamber by becoming buoyant, as light and sound slowly fade[s] away, to help the mind drift into a dreamy trance. Cryotherapy is cold therapy in which the body is subject to -140 ºC temperatures for three minutes, activating an immune response with a multitude of anti-ageing and pain relief benefits.  What had inspired your passion for wellness and rejuvenation? What is your favourite part of your work?M: I once heard Jim Carrey actually say a wise quote that always stuck with me, which was: “The most powerful currency that we have is the effect that we have over other people”. And this really inspired me to focus on helping others the greatest capacity that I can, as opposed to being led in the direction of just focusing on attaining money, and status or position. Once I began on this path, hearing all the transformational stories and just seeing people glow after they come after a 90-minute float, and share stories – like, you know, “I've never felt this way before,” and “the world looks different from a different perspective,” really just lit something up inside of me that affirmed my decision. Seeing people transform on a daily basis is really, you know, empowering not just for the person, but also for my sense of purpose. My favourite part of the job is just seeing people smile and just be open to sharing, maybe even not just something that happened inside their treatment, but how they're able to play with their children at a greater capacity, or how they can pick up golf clubs when they haven't been able to do so. How they are able to achieve their goals outside of these doors.COVID-19 has affected many aspects of their business operation. Rejuve-nation has not been able to serve as many people as they want, but they have adapted in order to continue fulfilling their mission of wellness, one float at a time. While Rejuve-nation has not been able to network within the community, they have worked on expanding their online presence and educating people through their informative wellness blog. Especially during a pandemic with physical and mental health repercussions, wellness knowledge and support is vital in helping community members to handle new sickness and stress. Rejuve-nation has improved its cleaning practices and worked above and beyond COVID protocol so that their community is safe for all.For any student, regular floats can be enormously helpful in reducing stress, improving sleep, and boosting creativity; so Rejuve-nation has recently launched their youth float membership to provide an affordable option. Rejuve-nation has also introduced an 80% discount for first-time cryotherapy clients – a significantly reduced cost for people to “test out” the experience. If you are interested in experiencing the Rejuve-nation difference, these are great options (for our student budgets) to achieve better health, while supporting local businesses.  What are your goals for Rejuve-nation in the future? For wellness practice in general?M: Our goal in the future is to expand our floatation risk capacity. We’re also going to add additional holistic services to be able to serve our members in the community at a greater level; for now, I'm keeping it a little bit of a secret. But in addition to that, we want to build a community here. We're going to be launching a Rejuve-nation ambassador program where we can get individuals inside the community to spread the message of our wellness practices and how it's benefiting them. We're also looking to create a big resource online: a cumulative knowledge centre from which people can improve their wellness. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your practice?M: Just remember that you have the power over your health and wellness. Right? If you remember that you have the power over your health and wellness, you can get up and plan your day accordingly. In that case, life will not just happen to you. Life will happen for you.Through your ups and downs, you deserve to be well and to be supported when you feel unwell. If you’re walking along Princess Street and you see Rejuve-nation’s bright blue building, maybe you should take that 80% off for first-time cryotherapy. Go on! You deserve it. 



