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Why You Should Be Wearing Tights This Winter

Remember in elementary school, just as you were heading out the door to a school dance when suddenly your mother would tell you to go back upstairs and put on some tights under your dress. You’d probably fight her on it because let’s face it, they ruined the look, but ultimately your mother would probably get her way. Well, I’m sorry to say I’m about to become your mother. 

I love a good dress or skirt and see no reason why we have to stop wearing them once the winter months start. My legs don’t normally get too cold anyways so tights are the perfect way to transfer a spring or fall piece into a winter outfit. Keep in mind I’m not suggesting wearing any old nude nylon as those can get boring pretty fast. What I’m suggesting is to let your nylons be more than their functional purpose, let them be an accessory that adds interest and flair to your outfit in the grey winter months.

A skirt paired with tights is an easy way to make it looks like you tried without really putting in too much effort. In addition, one of my favourite silhouettes is tights with heeled boots under a medium length wool coat. 

Not only can nylons be cute but they’re relatively cheap when you buy them at places like Winner’s, Marshalls or even Amazon. 

First off there’s the simple black tight, which for its simplicity is one of my favourites. Whether thick and opaque or thin and transparent, a black tight is perfect for a day or night look. Pair it with a colourful skirt or a patterned dress and you’re set. It draws attention to your legs without revealing to much skin, and if it’s thicker it can keep you warm. I especially love the witchy vibe of paring a black skirt with a black tight and black boot. These tights are sure to elevate your outfit without taking the attention away from it. 

This is in the same vein as this is the black patterned nylon. This one calls for a more subdued outfit so that the tights can take centre stage. From far away it looks like you’re just wearing basic black tights, but up close the pattern and intricacies become clear. My favourite styling piece for these tights is a jean skirt and black top. The black shirt matches the nylons but the blue skirt allows the pattern to stand out. 

Bonus tip: if you want to add some more colour consider wearing colourful crew length wool socks under your boots.

Next up are solid colour tights. For these tights, I recommend buying a thicker brand so that the colour really shows. These aren’t really worn with a patterned skirt or dress except by the truly bold (which I am not). Usually I’ll wear them with a black jean skirt because they make my look feel more exciting and force me to feel bright and bubbly even when the rest of my outfit screams despair.

Similarly, to coloured tights are coloured pattern tights. I love these kinds of tights for a formal look during the holiday season. A sheer red tight with polka dots is the perfect way to make an ordinary dress seem more festive. 

Bonus points for pairing the colour of your tights with the colour of your heels. 

Last but not least is tights under jeans designed to show a tasteful amount of ankle. If you don’t want to say goodbye to these pants for the season, opt for wearing tights underneath them instead. Not only will the tights keep your ankles warm, but they add a fun pop of colour. I prefer wearing tights under my pants, as opposed to long socks, because they’re less bulky and streamline the look.  

So, if you’re in a tight bind for what to wear this winter, consider buying a pair of tights. As an accessory, they offer endless possibilities for repurposing fall or summer outfits, meaning you don’t have to buy a whole new winter wardrobe. 

The bottom line is more often than not moms do know what they’re talking about.

Tessa Warburton is an online contributor for MUSE