Guys Tell All: Lulu App
It’s no surprise that us university kids are looking for love (well, at least some of us are), but to what extent are we willing to find it? With the release of the exclusive, girls-only app, Lulu, girls are able to do quick background checks on guys they know. The controversial app was made for girls to rate guys and share their personal experiences with them (#bedroomeyes, #badkisser, #mommasboy). It’s almost like a support system, where women can get together and talk about what they love and hate most in the world… men. Upon my discovery of this so- called “girl friendly mean app”, I wondered how guys would take the news. So I decided to get my hands a little dirty by downloading the app, exposing it to guys, and hearing what they have to say about Lulu.
*Names have been changed*
In a couple words or less, describe the app "Lulu" from your perspective as a male.
Jake: I think Lulu is an app where girls give opinions on past encounters or relationships they’ve had with men, and ultimately trying to warn other girls. If girls are so worried about getting hurt then they shouldn’t be dating. The whole point is to meet someone and get to know them without having other peoples’ judgments blind side you. At the end of the day, everyone is biased.
Brandon: It’s an app where girls rate guys based on their physical attractiveness.
Ryan: It’s confusing and disrespectful.
What do you think the purpose of the app is?
Jake: To try and help other girls not get hurt. It’s basically like a background check on guys.
Brandon: Same thing. Basically, to rate guys on their overall attractiveness, whether it be physical, mental etc.
Ryan: To give some girls self-confidence, and get back at guys who hurt them in the past. It’s basically a way of revenge.
As a male, do you rate girls on a regular occasion? Do you share these ratings with your friends ("she's a solid ten," "she's just cute," etc)? Is it different sharing these judgments over social media rather than just talking?
Jake: I think there is a personal scale where I would look at someone and say "better or worse." This would normally happen when I’m with my friends, and if we have a common interest or common knowledge of this “specific” girl. It’s completely different sharing your thoughts with friends than over social media, because when you are talking with your friends it’s confidential, and you know it’s going to be truthful. However, on social media, if strangers get a hold of what you are saying then it could be misinterpreted.
Brandon: Yes. If I see a cute girl, I will tell my friends that she’s cute. I don’t think it’s different sharing over social media, because in reality, people do it anyway. So what’s the big deal?
Ryan: Oh, yes. I share these rating with my friends, but it’s not like I am tweeting a rating of a girl for everyone to see. That’s just mean.
What's so different about girls having their own private outlet to discuss their thoughts on guys? It's not like the app, Lulu, allows boys to view their ratings.
Jake: I think it’s an invasion of privacy. I think what happens with me and another person is confidential. If I have a relationship with a girl, it’s not for everyone else to know or hear. I have never been the guy who likes to gossip or share intimate details with other people, especially strangers who have access to these details over a public forum. This app is connected to Facebook… say your rating gets posted to a persons profile, then it can go viral from there. Nobody wants that. No girl or guy wants personal feedback, whether it be physical or intimate, published for the world to see.
Brandon: I see nothing wrong.
Ryan: Guys can still see the ratings. It's thought that every time girls get together to discuss guys, they are out on a witch-hunt.
If boys were given a similar app, and girls didn't have Lulu, how would you feel then? Would you go ahead and rate girls?
Jake: In the past, there's been, like, “hot or not” on Facebook. People had ratings. I didn’t know anyone personally on the app. I thought it was for all fun and games, but to use the app for personal gain is just irrational.
Brandon: I am not sure. Maybe. Depends if I had the app or not.
Ryan: I truly believe all guys are tens, and if a girl wants to rate me differently and say mean things then that is her problem. Girls already judge men from the moment they see them, so is there a difference if it is on the internet? I have seen horrible things on the internet, but for looks, it is really not that bad considering what else is out there.
As a male, do you like the app? Do you honestly care that girls are rating you?
Jake: No. I think it can make a lot of people feel insecure, and that it is simply an invasion of privacy. As previously mentioned, what happens with me and another person I expect to be kept in private.
Brandon: It is interesting to see what my rating would be, but other than that I don't care too much about the app.
Ryan: I don't like the app. It’s cruel. If we did it to girls there would be a huge uprising. Talk about a double standard.
Do you think your “rating” affects how you feel about the app?
Jake: I would think it as a huge influence. From what I have seen I haven’t been rated so I am impartial to it. It bothers me to be honest, because there is no equivalent and I don’t have any power to do anything about it. It just creates a social stigma.
Brandon: I guess if I saw my rating and it was really bad, I would dislike the app. Truthfully, no one wants to hear bad things about themselves.
Ryan: Absolutely. If I got a high rating I would like it. If not, then I would hate it.
Do you think the rating system of the app is justified because it asks questions to generate a number?
Jake: I didn’t know that, but I believe that makes it a little better. However, who is the one developing the algorithm or the number? It is all skewed. People have different opinions, so why should this be used as a blanket statement? The app just shows picture, names, and a number.
Brandon: I think it helps a bit, because it is no longer centered around a person’s physical attractiveness, but also their personal aspects.
Ryan: That’s efficient, however, they tend to forget about the better qualities, like the personality.
Do you think the app is a breach of privacy?
Jake: Yes.
Brandon: Yes. If a girl posts something private about another person, then it's a breach of the person’s privacy.
Ryan: Yes. It’s connected to Facebook, and that's already a breach of privacy anyways.
Should the app be taken down?
Jake: Yes.
Brandon: I don’t see why it should.
Ryan: For sure.
Yours creatively,Erika Streisfield, First Year Representative Image: Vogue