Have You Gone Full-Joe?
Well, hello there.
Who are you?
Based on your vibe, a student. My guess, Queen’s. You’re not here to be ogled. You might have an actual interest in this magazine. I mean it’s Queen’s, though. You like a little attention.
Okay, I’ll bite.
WOW. How creepy am I? Did that scare you? It sure freaked me out. It would have sounded better in Penn Badgley’s voice, though. I promise. Have you picked up on the reference yet, or do I just sound insane? I’ll explain myself, don’t worry.You came into my life in the middle of the winter break. After a day of binging the entire first season, I couldn’t decide how I felt about it. I wasn’t sure if I loved Joe, if I hated him, or if I could see myself doing the same things. In the days following my intense viewing session I found myself rethinking my social media presence. Sure, I have a private Instagram, but that’s it. It probably wouldn’t take that much to find me. I know for a fact that I have no problem looking for someone else.Through a conversation with a friend in which he used the phrase: “I went full-Joe” (referring to Internet-stalking someone) I realized that those feelings I had after watching You might have been justified. In this digital age, it’s unbelievably easy to find someone on the Internet. Also, with all this information available, is it not practical?
Every account set to public. You want to be seen, heard, known. I’ll oblige.
This fully applies to our dating lives. We’re all looking for that perfect person, right? Call me a hopeless romantic, but if I can find out if I’ll get along with someone before I have to go through an awkward first interaction, I’m in. Has anyone even had a meet-cute in the past five years?First name? Age? Program? School? I only need two and I’ll have you in minutes. I’m not crazy or anything, it’s just that easy.I won’t immerse myself in someone else’s life to force the perfect love story, and I’m definitely not going to KILL anyone, but in 2019, it isn’t out of the ordinary to know who someone is before you even shake hands (if people still do that). We broadcast ourselves across multiple platforms to show the world that we have lives that others should envy, and it’s fun to look around. You can’t be reading this and deny ever creeping someone. Joe merely showed us an extreme version of something we all do.You explores the boundary between love and obsession, between being protective and being a murderer. It poses the question: “does love really conquer all?” “All” being a bit of homicide and manipulation. You know, the good stuff. Allowing the audience to hear Joe’s inner thoughts gave us a relatable side. He knew a lot of what he was doing was just plain whack, but it was all for love…his twisted version of it, that is. It’s the same justification we give ourselves when it’s 2am and we’re three years deep in someone’s feed, looking at their old pets and relatives they haven’t seen in a minute.In my quest for love, I have to remind myself that there are two sides to the Instagram story. If I’m looking at them, they’re probably looking at me. It’s just something we’re all going to have to get used to. Joe was right.Maybe my One will present themselves the old fashion way, maybe they’ll need a little push.*sigh*The things we do for love. Sam Turnbull is our MUSEings editor for our print edition. She can be found spouting linguistics facts at anyone who will listen or searching every corner of Apple Music for her Song of the Week.