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Making the Most of Frost Week

Image of Igloofest via Narcity

BY SAM TURNBULL                                 


Frost Week is like Frosh Week, but with a T (get it? Because it’s Winter now). It’s the limbo period between coming back from Christmas break, and having any major assignments, which makes it one of the most underrated times of the school year. The problem is, like any other week in the year, it flies by. Frost Week is a rare opportunity to go out more than usual, and have fewer consequences (academically, I can’t be held responsible for other things), so it is not to be looked over.To maximize your leisure time and minimize stress, here are some tips to get the most out of your Frost Week:


It’s not guaranteed that you’ll come out of this week with zero homework, and I’m sure that after doing your best to make up for three weeks without seeing your friends, you won’t want to do everything Sunday night. That being said, the best thing you can do, is do the work your given the SAME day you get it. It’ll most likely be a bit of reading for each course and a small introductory assignment here and there. This won’t be hard to knock out in the breaks between classes, or after your school day is done. I’m not saying you have to finish every bit by midnight each day, but budgeting your time during the week will leave you free for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, and give you recovery time on Sunday.


If you want to do something with your friends, TELL THEM. There’s nothing more frustrating than waiting until 10pm on Friday for everyone to decide they want to go out. By then, you’ve missed half the fun. All you have to do is ask earlier in the week. So, decide if you’re going clubbing, or braving the cold to hit up the outdoor rink at City Hall. Even if you want to stay in and reconnect with your bed and Netflix, it’s good to know ahead of time.


It’s very easy to spend all of your Christmas money right away. Believe me, I already have. But for the rest of you with money leftover, budgeting your nights out is a pretty good idea. The thing to splurge on this week is definitely cab/Uber rides. It’s more important that you get to and from the bar without frostbite, than buying a shirt you’re only going to wear this one time. In regards to drinking, pre-game instead of spending too much after you’ve left the house (but that applies all year).


Frost Week is also a time to relax, and if that’s your thing, do it. Getting everything out of the way will allow you to spend your time indoors all weekend too. Frost Week doesn’t always have to be going out every night, it’s just an opportunity to do things that you won’t always be able to during the rest of the school year, and spending a relaxing weekend homework-free is definitely one of those things. 

The most important thing to do during Frost Week is catch up with everyone after the break. Sure, it was nice to see your family again, but let’s be honest- you lowkey missed living with your friends. So, take this minimal-work opportunity and run with it. Who knows when the next one will be!