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Snack Revolution

With winter break around the corner, it’s time to turn that “snack pack” into a “six pack” by changing up your eating habits. Don’t panic! Being healthy doesn’t mean you have to surrender your favourite treats. My dear chocolate lovers, peanut butter fanatics, fast food junkies, and foodies, it’s time to spice up your food lives by putting a healthier spin on the foods you eat. Looking good means feeling great too! So why not indulge the right way in all of your favourite foods? I found a few easy-to-make recipes for tasty treats, so you can snack away guilt free. Bon appetite!FOODCOLLAGEWaking up…Kick off the day with a killer breakfast. A lip-smacking yogurt parfait will wake you up just in time for class. You’re welcome!MUSE38

Parfait (serves 2)

Ingredients2 cup low fat yogurt (Maple or Vanana are my favorite)1 cup granola (I am using Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Spice granola)1 banana

Place a cheese cloth over a mesh strainer. Put the mesh strainer in a bowl. Scoop the yogurt into the cloth covered strainer. Refrigerate for about two hours. This helps the liquid in the yogurt drain out, which gives you a thicker yogurt. The final consistency is like greek yogurt. You don’t have to do this step obviously, unless you love thick yogurt.

Layer a glass with yogurt, bananas, and granola. Do this 2 times with the top layer being granola and a dollop of yogurt.

Recipe and image via: Fat Girl Trapped in a Skinny Body 

Study break…


When the hunger strikes, you can't ignore it - or the loud noise it makes. Avoid embarrassing moments in class like these by having an emergency snack on hand. A granola bar is an easy way to satisfy your hunger and taste buds. So whether you’re in class or at the library, you can have a quick and delicious fix.

Homemade Granola Bars


Mix together, in a big resealable bowl:

3 cups rolled oats, ground (in a coffee grinder or food processor)

2 cups whole rolled oats

2-3 tbsp flour

1 cup ground flax seed

1/4 cup raw sunflower seed

3 tbsp chia/sesame seed

1/3 cup chopped walnuts, pulsed in a food processor

1/2 cup pecans, pulsed in a food processor

2/3 cup currants

1/2 cup dried cranberries

When mixed, add in:

1 cup oil

1/2 cup liquid sweetener (agave/maple syrup/molasses/brown rice syrup/etc)

2 tsp vanilla extract

Shake everything up, making sure to keep all of the sweeteners consistent throughout the mixture. Pour the mixture into a deep-sided baking pan, like a casserole dish. Spread it to fill the pan, then press it down to keep the bars more sturdy. Bake at 400F for 30-40 minutes, checking every once and a while to make sure it hasn’t overcooked. Once the mixture is a little crispy on top, but not too brown, take it out of the oven. Let it cool for a couple of hours, at least, before you try to cut it apart (put it in the refrigerator if you want, even.) The bars should be solid, but they’ll probably fall apart when you eat them. So prepare to get a little messy.

Recipe and image via: Hipster Food

 After School Snacking…Sometimes school can be a drag, so having a good snack after a long day is well deserved. Get a little (or a lot) of dip action on with some homemade hummus. This nutritious and delicious snack can be paired with your favourite veggies and crackers. Dip on!MUSE36Hummus


1 large can of chickpeas (about 2 cups), drained and rinsed

1/4 cup olive oil

2-3 garlic cloves, peeled

1/4 cup lemon juice

2 tbsp tahini

salt, to taste (I use 1 to 1-1/2 tsp of sea salt)

water, as desired

Combine all ingredients in a food processor and puree, adding water as needed to reach desired consistency.

Recipe and image via: Foodess

 Evening munchies…Satisfy your sweet tooth with this strawberry treat. Whipped feta and strawberries are an easy and healthy alternative for dessert, or post dinner snacking. Indulge in these delicious sweets, but be warned that you won’t be able to stop!MUSE33

Whipped Feta and Strawberries


1 cup feta crumbles

1/4 cup heavy cream


brown sugar for dipping

Pour the feta crumbles and heavy cream into a food processor. Process for about 4 minutes, until it’s smooth. Pour into a bowl and eat it right away.

OR put it in the fridge for a few hours and it will firm up and turn into a super creamy spread.

Recipe and image via: Fat Girl Trapped in a Skinny Body 

 Post Work Rejuvenation Don’t let all that hard work go to waste! Cool off with a refreshing smoothie that is full of nutrients to refuel your body, and make you feel great again!


Blueberry Coconut Super Smoothie (serves 2 glasses)


1 cup fresh blueberries1/2 cup coconut water1 frozen bananaa big chunk fresh ginger, mincedjuice from 1 lime2 tbsp coconut flakesa handful of walnuts

Throw all the ingredients in the blender. Blend for half a minute. Taste it and add more ginger if needed. Use 2 inches if you like it quite strong.

Recipe and image via: Greek Kitchen Stories


 Yours creatively,Erika Streisfield, First Year Representative