10 Years of Muse Online

As many of our readers know, MUSE was first conceived in CoGro as an ambitious dream scribbled on a few pieces of lined paper, emerging as the brainchild of three artistically enthusiastic students: “Z, T, & C. ” Our first issue, named the explosion, was launched in March 2011. Soon after MUSE launched its first few print editorials, the MUSE Magazine online blog began in the fall of 2012. 

MUSE has grown substantially since its initial debut. At its core, MUSE exists as a tribute to the innovative, the unique, the fashion-forward, and the stylistically creative. It is a nod of gratitude to those who break the mold and expose beauty in places we may overlook in our daily student adventures. While these values still remain central to the magazine, over the past ten years MUSE has evolved into something more. 

My peer Dylan Lanigan reminded me that this year marks our 10 year anniversary of MUSE Magazine’s online, thus making this project seem like the perfect time, and making it all the more special. 

Pictured: First articles published by MUSE Magazine, November 2012

As I sat down with Online Director Katherine Lidtke, and Chief Tech Officer Dylan Lanigan, we started reimagining what our website should look like; maybe it will look like a cartoon with a carousel, or be a magazine with the Queen’s campus animations, maybe have an elevator! After various ideas and drafts, we had to narrow our scope; what is MUSE, really?

Today, MUSE acts as its own person, combining over a hundred different perspectives across several different portfolios; MUSE is our best friend as MUSE talks about topics that soothes us, reminds us of community, and provides us with a sense of togetherness; MUSE seeks to push the boundaries by talking about controversial topics; MUSE has hot takes; MUSE is always on the brink of imploding due to overwhelming amounts of creative ideas. 

I started on MUSE as a writer and have been on the team for a few years now, providing me with the privilege of familiarizing myself with the different efforts that go behind our online blog. During the beginning of the year, I expressed interest in revisiting our online platform and to revamp it in a way that best reflects MUSE’s evolving personality. 

I am humbled to present to you a new and improved MUSE Magazine; one that best captures the essence of our contributors and our audience, and works to bring you the most relatable and enjoyable content.


Organic Love


MUSE Issue XXIV Out Now!