Fall 101: A Basic Guide to the Autumn Aesthetic
The ivy on the buildings has turned bright shades of red and orange, the winds are uncontrollably blowing people across the sidewalks, and we’ve gained an extra hour that was inevitably wasted (posting satirical genius on YikYak? Learning JB’s “Sorry” choreography? Studying because #college?). That’s right— the changing leaves, the chilly air, and Daylight Savings Time are all indicators of one thing: autumn is upon us.To help you prepare for the season, here is a curated guide to the “basics” of fall.Let us begin with footwear. Before stepping out into the crisp fall outdoors, consider the available options to keep your toes warm. I am aware that many of us are still stuck in Sperry SZN, but it is time to make the necessary transition into Blundstones— bonus points if you wear them with wool socks.If you’re a lady looking to make a fashion statement, or just for something less casual, you’ll likely opt for my personal favourite, those black ankle boot-type shoes. For the basic fall-goer, the most essential piece is the white sneaker. Variations of choice includes Keds, low-top Chucks, or “vintage” (you just ordered those online) Nikes. If you still find yourself having trouble choosing a shoe, step into a pair of Hunters, even if it’s not raining. Matte black goes with everything, right?Next, we shall look at the outerwear that will provide you with maximum warmth and style. A popular option for braving the fierce conditions of the outdoors is The North Face, which is absolutely necessary for the extreme fall weather in the Kingston environment. A jacket suited for the outdoors will surely encourage you to leave the house and attend all those 8:30 am classes.Perhaps you would prefer to think outside of the box and don a vest instead. Not sure how to style your white sneaks? Ladies might consider a casual Talula jacket with a multitude of colour choices — meaning a choice between tan, burgundy, or army green. Throw on a blanket scarf to complete your look — preferably that design from Zara because you’re fashionable, or the dupe made by Garage because they’re hardly different. Guys might seek out a respective neutral jacket, but who needs those when hoodies were invented as the reason for the fall season?
The corresponding bottoms are equally as important in the equation of your autumn appearance. The perfect pant for your basic fall boy is none other than the tapered khaki pant, presenting endless possibilities for outfit coordination. For the females, I ask: what better time of the year than fall to utilize the 19876543 pairs of black leggings you own? This weather is the only time you can get away with bottoms that provide the coverage of pants and the comfort of skirts, without actually being either one. Speaking of comfort, the low-key, gender-neutral alternative is the classic salt and pepper Roots sweatpants. Above all, there is something slightly admirable about the simplicity of the skinny jean. Knee rips optional.
To be completely, essentially autumn, any good ensemble requires accessories. Like the cherry on top, the baseball cap or snapback is a must. This notorious headwear will likely feature the logo of a sports team, either one onto whose bandwagon you recently hopped, or one you don’t know but some rapper made it cool. You may not care about the Jays or the Yankees, but at least you’ll be looking autumn AF.Perhaps your baseball cap has absolutely nothing on it and is just made of a black pleather material, because this is undeniably chic. But where is your toque? Do you even Canada? It will go great with the flannel (or other plaid-patterned piece of clothing) you’ll be wearing this season. Alongside this, you’ll be the most stylish kid on campus when you ditch the double-double for a Pumpkin Spice Latte (plus, CoGro is now catering to all your basic needs). While your phone is inevitably in your other hand, make sure you snap a shot of Ontario Hall in all its red ivy glory for the perfect Insta (#lovemyschool). Extra points if you use a Polaroid camera.
That’s it, you’re officially ready to take this season by storm.Yours Creatively,Diahanna Rose, Online ColumnistImages: 1, 2, 3, 4