First Day Fashion

I love walking around the campus on the first day of school.  If you look closely past the nervous jitters and hoards of lost frosh, you’ll notice that everyone always looks kickass. It's no coincidence that students are always dressed their best, showing off their latest summer purchases, or their classic go-to outfit. And why not start the new school year lookin’ fly?

Whether you’re dressing to impress to start this year right, or simply as your annual pledge to NOT wear sweatpants to class this year,here are some of MUSE’s fave OOTDs from the first day back to Queen’s.And whether you admit it or not…we know you picked that outfit the night before.1IMG_74522manbun33IMG_75054IMG_74785IMG_75006IMG_74577IMG_75258IMG_752610IMG_753511shoes12IMG_744513IMG_753714IMG_749915Sunshine 16IMG_748417IMG_7474Yours Creatively,Sophie Barkham, Online DirectorPhotography: Sophie Barkham


#yung n #free n...bucket hats?


We Need To Talk About The 90s