Street Style Snaps- March 8

We're so excited to introduce a new weekly fashion segment: MUSE x Street Style. Every week MUSE will be featuring a few students who inspire us sartorially.

Left to right: Michelle T. (Art History '14); Mark R. (World Language Studies '15); Trilby G. (Economics '14)

Left to Right: Jae K. (Sciences '16) ; Sarah (Development Studies '14)

The first week of March has come and passed. We are no longer seeing the negative double digits and snow is gradually disappearing. Although we cannot say it is Spring yet, judging from these 5 students, it looks like many of us are eager to toss away those puffy winter coats and throw on those lighter weight jackets! Bring on the layers!

Yours Creatively,

Renee Tse, Social Media Coordinator


Interview with Cyndy Gibson


Cool Enough to Kick It