MUSE Magazine

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MUSE COVID-19 Statement

Dear Queen’s Community,

We hope everyone is safe and healthy, both mentally and physically. We know that these past few weeks have been trying times, so please remember to take care of yourself and be mindful of others.In light of the governmental and institutional mandates put in place for our safety during the COVID-19 global pandemic, MUSE will be postponing the physical release of issue XX until the fall.

While we are trying to make accommodations for graduating students to access a physical copy of our magazine, we will still be releasing the digital edition of issue XX on April 2nd via ISSUU. 

Although there is so much up in the air, MUSE prevails. 

We will still be publishing online content until the end of April, when the new team takes over. We are still hiring for our 2020-2021 staff, including Head positions, contributors, editors, coordinators, photographers, videographers, and more. We will be conducting interviews via Google Hangouts and posting all hiring information on our social media. 

Thank you so much for your support and interest in MUSE this year. We have enjoyed our time creating content and hosting events to engage with Queen’s students on an intimate level. Although the ending to this year has felt rocky and confusing, please know that we are here for you and are trying to inject your days with a bit of spunk, heart, and creativity.

MUSE is better because of our readership and the involvement of the Queen’s community. 

Keep reading. Stay inspired. Apply for a position. Keep moving forward.

With hope n love,

MUSE Magazine