MUSE Magazine

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You Better Work - MUSE Career Week

It's finally spring in Kingston: the ice has receded and left in its place piles of dust and dirt awaiting April showers to clear it away. St Pats is over with a few meme-worthy Aberdeen moments, and exam season is just around the corner.But really, spring is the mediocre opening act to the best event of the year: summer. There's nothing that I, personally, love more than summer and all that comes with it. Including, of course, summer jobs.Summer jobs are what teen movies are based around, what we eagerly look forward to both starting and finishing, and, if you're a part of the population of people that have made it to third year of university and are still going back to camp (like myself) you're probably wondering if you've made a horrible, horrible mistake.MUSE knows this, and that's why we're running our very own Career Week.This week, we'll be interviewing entrepreneurs about how they got their start, sharing our best advice on how to style yourself for the office, and asking you what your childhood dream job was, all in the pursuit of helping you figure out adulting in the best trial run of the year.It's a tough, real world out there,  but we've got your back.