Has Throwback Got to Go Back?

adidas-unveils-springsummer-15-campaign-for-superstar-shoe-body-image-1421342009It’s a Thursday night. You’re standing outside in a lineup of other students, hardly bothered by the chilly breeze because your good friend Jack Daniels is keeping you warm. You’ve fixed your attention on the couple in front of you who “just happen” to be friends with the group walking by, and before you know it, you’ve actually been pushed back 10 steps further from the entrance of your destination. But it’s okay, everyone is here because it’ll all be worth it — you’re at The Underground, and we all know what day of the week it is.Call it what you will— Throwback Thursday, Flashback Friday, Some Obscure Word for the Past Saturday— the phenomenon is quite familiar to the pop-cultured social media-savvy youth of today. It seems to be the norm to be sipping on coke and rum while you proudly exclaim, “So what? I’m drunk!” with just about half of the Queen’s population on a Thursday night, followed by bumping R. Kelly’s jam while you do some casual cleaning on the freaking weekend. I know you caught those lyrical references, which is why this applies to you.Let’s rewind to the aforementioned key word: familiar. That’s the issue here. Of course, the concept of “throwback” is no longer new, but it’s almost (dare I say it) overdone. It used to seem original and exciting to attend such events to hear favourite childhood songs that you couldn’t hear at any other club, but lately, I hear more people questioning me about my obsession with Throwback Thursday rather than asking me to go with them. When a unique movement is appropriated into the stream of everyday life, it loses its touch.Don’t get me wrong— I’m not hating on a good thing. I bump Jesse McCartney and Backstreet Boys on the regular, and class-free Fridays for me means I’m probably turning up at Undies the night before. Just think about it this way: one day, you’re posting up a pic of your juvenile self circa 2005 on the ‘Gram (#tbt) and the next, you’re parading around in the same kind of hair scrunchie you were rocking back in the day. When did the infamous “throwback” become today’s trend?The moral here is that it’s okay to embrace your inner Spice Girl and Backstreet Boy. We know you have swag like Usher and style like Kelly Kapowski. We just have to draw the line at what we consider “throwback,” because tapered Adidas trackies and high-waisted denim definitely crossed that line way back when. Fashion trends are constantly evolving, and it’s just the Nostalgia Revolution’s turn to have its 15 minutes. Who knows what’s next — perhaps this movement will inspire a Futuristic Friday. Black Eyed Peas, anyone?The 90s called— they want their decade back.Yours Creatively,Diahanna Rose, Online ColumnistImage: Olivia Richardson for adidas Originals x Anti Agency


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MUSE NEWS: March 29, 2015