MUSE Magazine

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Over the past few months, our Tech Team has been working hard on an app for IOS and Android that we can’t wait to launch in the coming weeks. This app will be a centralized hub for all of our MUSE content – articles, playlists, and past issues. Get to know the minds behind the app!

Brendan Nugara, Chief Technology Officer

Fouth year, Computing

What is your favourite feature of the new app? The carousel at the top of each section is pretty cool.What is your muse? Lofi hip hop radio – beats to relax/study to.I want to thank the MUSE tech team for going above and beyond with the development of the MUSE mobile app. I couldn’t have asked for a better team of developers, you all worked so hard to bring the MUSE app to life, and I can’t wait to see what you all accomplish in the future! I especially want to thank Victor for leading the development of the iOS version of the application and playing a large role in designing the application’s user interface.

Victor Uemura, Lead iOS Developer

Fourth year, Computer Science

What is your favourite feature of the new app? Working with Justin and Hanbo (both super talented people).What is your muse? I’m not too sure. I think about finding peace & serenity more than I should though. 

Justin Ovenell, iOS Developer

First year, Computing

What is your favourite feature of the new app? The overall user interface is extremely aesthetically pleasing, but specifically, the animations are really nice.What is your muse? My muse is knowing that something can always be improved. I believe that one can always find an area of improvement whether it be in a project or within their own life. We are constantly evolving and improving and it's our job to continue that gradual process. 

Hanbo Yu, iOS Developer

Fourth year, Computer Science

What is your favourite feature of the new app? I would say the animation of transition. That can really improve the user experience. I really enjoy the smooth transition when I can an article or switch the card view.What is your muse? To me, figuring out how everything works is definitely one of my muses! I can't wait to see the design ideas and make use of it if there is a cool technology or product that makes me curious even though sometimes things can become tricky. My first iPhone used to be the victim because I tried to jailbreak but in the wrong way XD. The other one must be flying. Being a pilot used to be my first choice when I was asking what my dream is. Going to a flight school to learn how to drive planes has been put on my post-graduation agenda! Hopefully, I will have a big wallet to feed my dream.

Mary Whetham, Android Developer

Third year, Computing

What is your favourite feature of the new app? I love how we were able to add a carousel to the app. This took a lot of work and I’m very proud of it!What is your muse? Music. A great song always makes my day better. 

Evan Kilburn, Android Developer

Second Year, Computing

What is your favourite feature of the new app? My favourite feature about the app is the overall layout of the application; it is not intrusive and has a simplistic and clean user interface.What is your muse? My muse stems from the people I look up to and aspire to have similar qualities. For me, Fred Vanvleet is a large inspiration as he is famous for betting on himself and trusting his work ethic. Another role model of mine is Mike Holmes, he takes pride in his work and enjoys what he creates. A large reason I got into computer science was the fact that when I would finish a project I could look back and be amazed that I created something that I could use.