"Each semester, MUSE embarks on a lengthy journey creating a new print issue that surpasses the last and surprises our readers. Our Print Team work diligently to assess and edit the pitch submissions they receive from the Queen’s Community, working closely with their writers to shape and bring to perfection their vision. Our Creative Team begin conceptualizing the editorials, article photos and layout designs, capturing their teams abstract ideas through graphics, photographs, typography, makeup and formatting. Throughout the semester, our Business Team work alongside local Kingston Businesses that want to be featured in the magazine, establishing a connection between the Kingston and Queen’s Community. This overview does not encompass the meticulous detail and thought that each member of MUSE puts into the creation of this magazine, but the 64 pages of Issue XXIII encapsulate months and hours of passion, innovation and growth."

~ Thalia Anobile, Print Director

Thank you to all of our readers. You are the MUSEs of MUSE. 

Read ISSUE XXIII online here


Editor In Chief, Megan Fanjoy

What was your role in creating XXIII?

As Editor-in-Chief, I serve as the key liaison between all five portfolios within MUSE: creative, business, print, online, and marketing. On a daily basis this means reviewing, and approving all print article pitches, brainstorming article visuals, supporting our partnerships team, as well as offering suggestions to further push the creative boundaries of each editorial featured in Issue XXIII. Ultimately, my role is to ensure that all 100+ executive members are given the tools and capacity to feel, create, question, explore.

What was your favourite part in creating XXIII?

Experiencing the love, passion, and dedication of each MUSE member.

Describe XXIII in 3 words

Authenticity, vulnerability, consciousness.

What sets this issue apart from others?

The following pages feature work grounded in authenticity, a look inside our creatives’ minds beyond the veil of perception. This semester, I challenged my team to leverage these months of solitude and reflection in their work. To unlock new bounds of creativity and use their personal growth as a springboard for innovation. As you will see in the subsequent pages, our team has risen to the occasion—grappling with childhood traumas, sexual violence, and developing ones personal style identity. Our team has given their all to this publication and for that I am grateful.

Thanks to...

Forever grateful for each and every Director, all MUSE members, and those who simply support the MUSE mission online; you are the heart of MUSE. 


Print Director, Thalia Anobile

What was your role in creating XXIII?

I was in charge of overseeing all of the written content in Issue XXIII. Alongside my team, we hand selected each article that we felt would compliment the concept of this issue. I was also in charge of editing all of the final articles and alongside the EIC, Creative Director, Head of Layout, and Head of Editorials, we proofed the final draft before publishing.

What was your favourite part in creating XXIII?

Getting together with my team and discussing all of the pitches that we received. It was a four hour meeting filled with tasty snacks and laughs in our comfy pyjamas

Describe XXIII in 3 words

Vivacious, Selfless, Fearless

What sets this issue apart from others?

XXIII explores topics and personal stories that I have not yet read in any Issues that MUSE has published. Ranging from topics about video games, religious trauma, sisterhood, and grief, this Issue touches on a vast amount of experiences and emotions that every reader somehow relate to and learn from.

Thanks to...

I would love to thank my entire team. The hours and hard work that you put into this Issue goes unnoticed. I would also like to thank each contributor for sharing your voice, thoughts, opinions, and passions. 

Business Director, Matt D'Alessandro

What was your role in creating XXIII?

Overseeing all the business operations, partnerships, finances, and events related to the magazine!

What was your favourite part in creating XXIII?

Getting to play a role in creating a magazine for the first time!

Describe XXIII in 3 words

Adapting with Time

What sets this issue apart from others

Breaking the traditional mould and challenging the purpose of our magazine.

Thanks to...

My entire Business Team, the directors, and especially Meg for being a great support for everyone. 

Marketing Director, Erin Healy

What was your role in creating XXIII?

I marketed the launch of issue XXIII. My work started mostly after the magazine was created. I created graphics, and selected BTS videos and editorial shoots to post on the MUSE social media pages.

What was your favourite part in creating XXIII?

I really loved being able to highlight the work of all the talented members of MUSE!! I also really enjoyed seeing people's reactions in the comments and sharing in their excitement to see the magazine.

Describe XXIII in 3 words

cool. sick. movie.

What sets this issue apart from others?

I truly think this is my favourite issue of MUSE yet. I think everyone involved is so talented. I think that every copy of the magazine continues to build off the issue before and expand in new ways.

Thanks to...

I would like to thank my housemates <3 

Creative Director, Chanel Romeo

What was your role in creating XXIII?

I oversaw all creative aspects of the issue including editorial all article visuals and the overall layout design

What was your favourite part in creating XXIII?

I loved experiencing the excitement and joy of editorials shoot day, to finally see everyone’s hard work come to life in a beautiful editorial spread

Describe XXIII in 3 words

Entertaining, dedicated and passionate

What sets this issue apart from others?

There’s are so many new and unique elements included in issue xxiii never seen before in muse from the layout designs, to the editorial concepts and more

Thanks to...

I’d love to recognize all the hard work my amazing creative team put into issue xxiii it is only through our collaborative efforts that make this issue so successful and thank you to my heads and fellow directors for making this first experience as creative director so joyful and memorable 

Online Director, Katherine Lidtke

What was your role in creating XXIII?

While I did not play a direct role in creating Issue XXIII, I was a part of a lot of behind-the-scenes work. I encouraged members from my online team to pitch for print, many of whom had their work published in Issue XXIII. I continued to publish daily content on our website and progress other areas of MUSE, such as our podcast, to help with the overall growth and contribute to the overall vision of MUSE.

What was your favourite part in creating XXIII?

I loved seeing everything come to life. It was always such a joy to be let in on the little secrets of creating Issue XXIII.

Describe XXIII in 3 words

Pushing the limits

What sets this issue apart from others?

This is my third year on MUSE and one of my favourite issues to date. Issue XXIII continuously pushes the boundaries and challenges conventions. To me, MUSE is the future of publishing.

Thanks to...

All of MUSE for coming together to create such a beautiful issue. Trish Rooney for hiring the little version of me three years ago. My entire online team, I'm so proud of each and every one of you. Steph, I am still inspired by you each and every day. And my wonderful, supportive housemates - I love you all so dearly. 


Assistant Head Editor for Print, Annabelle Matifat

What was your role in creating XXIII?

I was involved in the pitching and editing process!

What was your favourite part in creating XXIII?

I loved the whole experience of the Ladder Meetings! I really enjoyed getting to hear what Queens students are passionate about and getting some say in what was going to be seen in XXII.

Describe XXIII in 3 words

Creativity, community, accepting

What sets this issue apart from others?

This latest issue is modern with fresh ideas, a diversity of voices and with truly something for everyone and anyone to appreciate!

Thanks to...

Thalia Anobile! For really showing me the ropes and making MUSE such a welcoming and positive experience for me :) 

Head of Editorials, Maya Ginzburg

What was your role in creating XXIII?

Working with the creative director to oversee and produce editorial shoots with a team of creative assistants and interns, and with the head of layout, creative director, and editor in chief to develop the final magazine.

What was your favourite part in creating XXIII?

I want to say my editorial, because I had an incredible time doing it and am very proud of the team that helped me create it, but truly my favourite part was the endless going over of the magazine in its final stages. I felt so honoured to be a part of that process and grateful for a team that would not settle for anything less than the best.

Describe XXIII in 3 words

simply the best

What sets this issue apart from others?

This year there were many new faces on Muse but also many who have worked their way up to leadership roles having experienced what worked and what didn’t in past issues. This combination is a recipe for an innovative team that strives to improve with every undertaking.

Thanks to...

I would like to thank Chanel and Meg for supporting me, being great friends, and most of all, caring about Muse just like I do. 

Head of Layout, Maya Kotsovolos

What was your role in creating XXIII??

Designing the magazine

What was your favourite part in creating XXIII?

I absolutely loved seeing what my extremely talented layout designers came up with! I loved having the opportunity to incorporate so much colour and contemporary graphic elements

Describe XXIII in 3 words

Avant-garde. Unabashed. Queer.

What sets this issue apart from others?

I think that this issue was in a way extremely experimental. I know that myself and many others did not have much or any experience with making a magazine or any kind of publication, but I think our newness brought a kind of authenticity and child-like clarity that wouldn’t have been possible otherwise. This issue is a visual manifestation of the vigor and absolute ingenuity that went into creating this magazine, and it is a testament to the passion everyone on MUSE has to fostering a creative space in the Queen’s community.

Thanks to...

Of course my mother, my high school graphic design teacher Shelia Dundon, my wonderful housemates that I love very much, and of course Megan Fanjoy for pouring her heart, body, mind, and soul into this magazine. 

Head of Photography, Kieran Turnbull

What was your role in creating XXIII?

I helped coordinate the shoots, as well as conducted my own!

What was your favourite part in creating XXIII?

The massive boost to my already overstuffed ego

Describe XXIII in 3 words

Wonderful, etc.!

What sets this issue apart from others

This one releases on November 26, 2021!

Thanks to...


Head of Videography, Zoe McCormack

What was your role in creating XXIII?

I created one of the BTS videos for an editorial shoot, made Reels/Tik Toks to help recruit exec and writers, and supported the videographers in the creation of their BTS videos.

What was your favourite part in creating XXIII?

I LOVE filming and editing BTS videos, and also meeting MUSE exec at the shoots!

Describe XXIII in 3 words

Eclectic, Inspiring, Enchanting

What sets this issue apart from others?

The video content on Instagram, both Reels and BTS videos, has been popping off! The videos produced this year are so unique and truly show off everyone's talents. So proud of the video team!

Thanks to...

Meg, Chanel, Erin, and the videographers: Abby, Amanda, Ashley, Francesca, Keon, and Lauren! 

Head of Development and Partnerships, Aaryan Chaudhury

What was your role in creating XXIII?

This year I worked alongside my wonderful team of Sponsorship Coordinators and wonderful Business Director to secure partnerships for the magazine. This year on the magazine's back and front covers we highlighted small businesses that were kind enough to sponsor this year's magazine!

What was your favourite part in creating XXIII?

My favourite part in creating XXIII was being able to work with the rest of the MUSE team; heads, directors and my wonderful sponsorship coordinators. Seeing how everyone played a part in helping the issue come to life is such a fulfilling opportunity. I feel so incredibly luck to be a part of such a kind, creative, and intelligent team!

Describe XXIII in 3 words

Groundbreaking, Disruptive, Captivating

What sets this issue apart from others?

This issue really captures the creativity we have within our team and on our campus. The way the pieces have been able to come together this year is completely captivating. All the moving parts of this year's magazine intersected to create such groundbreaking pieces. I think this year's issue is bold and captures some things we have never seen before.

Thanks to...

I would like to thank my sponsorship coordinators for all their hard work this year and the rest of the team! I also would like to especially thank our wonderful Business Director for his endless help this past year. All of them helped make my job so much easier, and I could not be more grateful for their contributions to this issue!   


