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You (Sometimes) Drive Me Nuts

 “For there is no friend like a sister. In calm or stormy weather; To cheer one on the tedious way, to fetch one if one goes astray, to lift one if one totters down, to strengthen whilst one stands”

- Christina Rossetti, Goblin Market

Amidst the current chaos, I find myself turning to my family. Leaving Queen’s is always hard, but going back home isn’t so bad when you have a sibling to go back to. 

When I was just a wee bit over two years old, my little sister was born. Ever since then, we’ve been best friends. As we’ve grown older, our dynamic has changed. This tends to go for all sibling relationships. When you’re younger, it may feel as though a two-year age gap is a lifetime. Then, as you grow up and begin to feel the weight of the world on your shoulders, the gap feels as though it’s shrinking because you both gain similar life experiences. 

Some of the best memories a person holds are with their siblings. If you’re an only child, maybe you can relate to this in thinking of someone who fills the place of a sibling, whether older, younger, or equal in age. I’ll never forget the times we spent hours playing in the pool in Florida until our fingertips looked like raisins or all the times we’ve gone for late-night adventures in search of the best mint chip ice-cream.

"Similar to how we used to crave a pick me up from sweets and sugar as a child, I find myself searching for that pick me up when I’m not around my sister."

When we’re apart, I find myself missing my sister more than I think. The little things I miss seem to stand out more, which makes long days even longer. Similar to how we used to crave a pick me up from sweets and sugar as a child, I find myself searching for that pick me up when I’m not around my sister. 

As I now return home, just like all of you, it’s nice knowing that my rock, my sibling, is there for me once again. These next few weeks are going to be very trying, don’t get me wrong. While practicing social distancing, I’m trying to stay inside more—and so is she. We might drive each other insane, and so it’s important to remember that, at the end of the day, my sister is going to be there no matter what. It’s much more exhausting to try and hate someone than it is to try and get along. That’s what I’ll be reminding myself for the days to come, as I stay home accompanied by my mom, my cat, and, of course, my sister. 

So, as we return home, it’s important not to lose sight of how you feel about your family. Lean on them in this time of need and keep them and yourselves safe—don’t forget siblings are your forever friends. No matter how often you fight, they will remain by your side, whether you like it or not.

Header Image Source: Katherine Lidtke