Hit Record

BY SYDNEY WILLIAMS                                                                                                                               MUSIC EDITOR


Image via Isabella Thordsen

Records have made a huge come back in recent years. With newer artists such as releasing albums on vinyl and popular store chains like Urban Outfitters stocking some of the industry’s oldest and newest tracks, records have truly made their way back into the lives of younger generations. A couple years ago I had the chance to adopt my very on record player and was set on starting my own collection along with the stacks upon stacks on crates my dad had passed down to me. So without further ado here are my favourite places to look for both classic and modern tunes. 

  1. Cosmos Records
  • Cosmos is the store I consider to be one of the Holy Grail of record shops. It is a hot spot for serious collectors as its inventory is constantly being re-stocked on a seven day basis and is well known for its funk, jazz, and old school hip hop collections. The mood is always just right and with Charles Mingus wafting through the air as you search through the racks upon racks of records you are sure to find something rare hidden in this tiny shop.


  1. Sonic Boom
  • If Sonic Booms window displays don’t invite you in then their inventory surely will. Not only does this shop stock records but it also has carries lots of audio accessories, collectibles, and books. It also happens to host a lot of in-store concerts for independent artists. One of the reasons I love Sonic Boom so much is because of how large its library is. It can be a little intimidating at first but once you find something it’s kind of hard to stop looking. From the old timer who’s looking to complete a collection to the newbie who’s looking to buy their first album, it has got something for everyone. So, if you happen to have a couple hours to kill SB is definitely the place to be.


  1. Rotate This
  • I actually discovered Rotate This by accident. A pal of mine had to pick up concert tickets for a show downtown and it happened to be there! Rather than focusing heavily on records that’ll appeal to hard-core collectors it strives to bring in as much music as possible. Indie has always been its strong suit but it has since branched out and also devotes a lot of its attention to newer artists. You can also find tickets to some of Toronto’s coolest indie bands and artists. With an awesome array of new music in the front and an alphabetized collection in the back Rotate This is a new favourite spot of mine.



Image via Isabella Thordsen

Now records shops aren’t the only places you can find records. The first record I ever bought was Wham! Make it Big and I got it at garage sale for a dollar. Also don’t sell your local charity shops short. Along with antique furniture and clothing from the 1960’s they also tend to carry records for super cheap. So I encourage you to take the time to visit these shops and the many others located in downtown Toronto for some good ol’ record finding fun. *Honourable mentions go out to Soundscapes and Kops Records!


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