In Our Own Backyard: The Vault Music Festival
Frosh Week: for some, it is a weeklong event intended to help ease the transition into the social and academic environment of University. For others, it is a 168-hour excuse to party, and fill the days with shenanigans and fun.Last week, a new addition was made to my list of Frosh Week Musts: The Vault Presents: Welcome Back!-yard Festival II. The Vault is an online music blog reviewing and creating awareness for some pretty cool music. A couple of times a semester they host concerts to showcase local Canadian talent. Think a kegger, plus live music in someone’s living room. Not only is the music scene always amazing, but the parties that go along with them are even better.Last week's show was definitely a great change of tune from the nightly blaring of "Anaconda" and "This Is How We Do" playing throughout the "University District."The Vault’s line up never disappoints, and is usually quite varied. Lost Cousins and Graham Hutchings got the day off to a great start. On the more relaxed end of the scale was Owen Meany’s Batting Stance (a quirky solo-singer-and-guitar-rap-turned-music) a new act to me, but definitely one worth checking out. Stage presence is quite a feat and, boy, could he hold his own. Next up was Queens' own well-loved, folk duo Devan and Khalid to fill your quota of hipster vibes.The audience was sprawled out on blankets, tikki torches were burning, and flower crowns were by the plenty. We dubbed it Queens' very own Coachella.Later on in the afternoon, Alt rock band Aukland revved up the audience and provided that perfectly honest music to hang out and drink a beer to.Closing the night was TheO, a truly fantastic performer and veteran to the Backyard Festival and Vault shows. His music got everyone standing and dancing in what could only be described as a massive fan girl flock. With his emphatic and expressive rapping style, TheO is definitely one to watch out for.The event, complete with a hotdog vendor, free admission, loud music, and chill vibes, was well attended with 120+ people.If you missed out, look for their next show, because the Vault rarely disappoints. In the meantime, check out their blog for some sick new music you definitely haven’t heard of before.
Yours Creatively,Alex Gordon Online ContributorPhotography: Sophie Barkam, Online Director