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Meet the Music Team: What We've Been Listening to While in Quarantine

Go big or go home right? It's this attitude that has led to some exciting changes with the MUSE Online Music team. My name is Camryn and I’ll be MUSE’s Online Music Editor for this year. Due to the high engagement, and expansive subject matter of the music portfolio, rather than a single music editor we’ve changed things up. This year's team will consist of myself and three online music contributors - Jack, Frannie, and Steph. These incredibly talented, creative, and music-driven individuals will work alongside me to provide online content for the upcoming year. Quite frankly, we could not be more excited. Just like the rest of the world, we’ve been stuck in quarantine. So we thought, what better way to get to know us than to share what we’ve been listening to while staying safe? Below we’ve each made a playlist along with a brief bio showing what our go-to tunes/hobbies have been as of late. Consider the following an introduction. 

Online Music Editor - Camryn McKay

 Whaddup! My name is Camryn, I’m a fourth-year Political Studies student and this year's Online Music Editor for MUSE. Quarantine has been mega boring, but music has definitely helped. Consider this playlist an introduction to my music taste and a glimpse of what I’ve been listening to during quarantine!Favourite quarantine hobby/activity: I’ve mastered making cold-brew coffee 

Online Music Contributor - Stephanie Crimi

 Hey there! My name is Steph, I’m in my third-year of Political Studies, and one of this years’ Online Music Contributors. I listen to a little bit of everything, but my favourite genres are indie rock, folk, and country. Check out my playlist to see what my go-to quarantine tracks are!Favourite quarantine hobby/activity: Either running or annoying my dog with cuddles 

Online Music Contributor - Jack Selby

 Hey I’m Jack and I’m a third-year Political Studies student. If there is one genre I listen to the most it’s hip-hop but I also really enjoy indie music, and EDM. Can’t wait to kick off the year as one of the Online Music Contributors!Favourite quarantine hobby/activity: Biking and cooking! 

Online Music Contributor - Frannie Shen

 Hi everyone! My name is Frannie and I'm a fourth-year Commerce student. My music taste is pretty broad in that I listen to a lot of songs from different genres! But mostly I listen to a lot of indie pop/indie rock music!Favourite quarantine hobby/activity: Reading & listening to music!