Playlist Profiles SZN 2: What Your Friends Are Listening To

Midterm season is rolling in and with all the studying happening it’s easy to run out of good music material. I figured this would be the perfect time to reach out to some music-savvy peeps for some songs that they’d highly recommend.  Checkout their playlists below to find some new songs to add to your library and change it up from your typical genre.

First up is the gal that started this segment herself last year, one of MUSE’s online editors Alex Jones.

Alex is studying psychology/con-ed with a media certificate. She wrote a one act play that was performed!



Jack is studying English. He can walk on water, but is better at drinking wine.



Katelyn is studying environmental science and once shared a bag of sunflower seeds with Future.



Sasha is studying bio-math. She’s flown a plane and loves scuba diving.



Spencer is studying biotech with a certificate in business. One of his best friends ran over his pet cat (☹).


Kaelin is studying bio-psych. She’s five foot nothing but still loves a good stage rage.



Mike is studying math and doesn’t like tomatoes.



Sydney is studying bio-psych and she does like tomatoes.



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MUS(E)IC: Electronic


BROCKHAMPTON: A Breakdown of the Unconventional Boyband