Interview with Benny Fulton of The Tales
A prominent member of the Kingston music scene, and signed to the same agency as their idols The Tragically Hip, Benny Fulton of The Tales sat down with Steph Crimi to talk music, COVID, future projects and more.

The Chronicles of Going to an Arts High School
"Is an art school just like how it appears in High School Musical? Do people dance on tables at lunch and randomly break out into song?" In this article Steph Crimi evaluates her own experience going to an Arts High School and details how it has influenced who she is today.

The Power of Music: Coping with Anxiety
Music is one of the most successful weapons I use in fighting my battle with anxiety. I hope my words inspire you to seek your creative outlet - whether it be from music or something completely different - to properly convey your feelings and take steps toward a life of peace and progress.

Have the Kingston blues? Wish you could time-travel back to before the semester was cut short? Check out today's article where Frannie and Steph compile a playlist of songs that will bring you back to your favourite memories, nights, places and traditions at Queen's...pre-COVID.