The Power of Musicals

Musicals are aunique art form because of their complex synthesis of mediums, such as singing,composing, acting, set design, and costuming, among others. They are arguablythe most complete artistic experience, combining the best craftsmanship ofvisual, musical, and performing arts.

The visualelements of musical theatre - like costume, set design, lighting, choreography,and, to an extent, the stage presence of actors - cultivate an aesthetic thatcomplements and extends the less tangible musical and performance elements of astory. For example, Legally Blonde would be incomplete without the masterfulwork required to bring Elle Woods’ glittering, pink world to life. 

Of course, the namesakefeature of musical theatre is sound. The use of music, both instrumental andlyrical, allows audience members to connect quickly with the story and its characters.Meaning is still gathered through dialogue and lyrics; however, the music carriesa tremendous amount of sentiment and emotion. Most, if not all, musical scoresrepeat certain melodies, making a specific sound into a motif; the repetitionoften bookends plots and signals character growth. Sound can transcend lyrics,expressing emotions that are challenging to put into words.

The hours ofdedication and expertise that go into creating a musical is remarkable, andsomehow even more electrifying when performed live in a theatre. Unlike in filmor music recordings, by not having the power to edit a moment, the performanceis more intimate and compelling to watch. The emotion and intensity of theactors’ performance adds suspense and tension to the atmosphere.

As technology hasdeveloped, the way musical theatre has been formatted has changed, startingwith the development of television all the way to the accessibility of hundredsof theatrical soundtracks through streaming services like Spotify and AppleMusic. Theatres shows such as They’re Playing My Song have not had aproduction run longer than a month since its debut in the 1980’s. Nevertheless,one can still enjoy the soundtrack of the original production.

 While musicals have become more accessible through technology, nothing can rival the experience of seeing a live show, and nor should we try to pervert or mimic it. The process of going to see a show, including getting dressed up as an audience member, looking over to your neighbour to see if they share the same reactions as you, or giving a raucous standing ovation, are all parts that enhance the cultural and artistic experience of musical theatre.

This piece was written by Isobel Gibson for Issue XX.


The art of Getting Bi


Musicals for Every Mood