Playlist Profiles: What Your Friends Are Listening 2

It’s that time of year again! Exams are fast approaching, motivation is slowly dwindling and if you’re like me, you might be getting tired of the same ol’ thang. Routine can be great, but when your walk to the library includes blasting the same playlist from last month, inevitable mid-March boredom can leave you tired and uninspired. That’s why I’ve asked some of the amazing creatives from our MUSE team to help put the pep back in your step by sharing some of their favourite tunes with you. If you can’t get enough, I’d recommend reaching out to any of the other incredible members of the MUSE team for some more sweet tracks- trust me, they’ve all got great taste ;).  

Claudia is the Fashion Editor for MUSE.

Listen to Claudia’s Playlist Here:


Jeremy is on the Photography team for MUSE

Listen to Jeremy’s Playlist Here:

Laura is the Business Director for MUSE

Listen to Laura’s Playlist Here:



Donavan is on the Creative Team for MUSE:

Listen to Donavan’s Playlist Here:

Jane is the Online Director for MUSE

Listen to Jane’s Playlist Here:


Ben is an Online Contributor for MUSE:

Listen to Ben’s Playlist Here:



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