An Ode to Long Distance Friendship

I have friends scattered far and wide, from the length and breadth of Canada to Australia and beyond. Living away from home can be the highlights of strengths in relationships. Consistent communication, mutual understanding, and empathy for one another make for the basis of a thriving LDF. Friendships that survive the long distance and your confusing early twenties are far more heartening, fulfilling, genuine and much deeper than anything you will ever experience in life. 

To my best friends across the ocean,

Thank you for existing.

 It was the time when we posted each other letters in third grade even though we sat next to each other in class.It was the time when I was dealing with my first heartbreak at the age of fourteen, and I thought I had seen the darkest and ugliest side of humanity. It was the time when we made questionable hairstyle and fashion decisions. 

We grew up without growing apart.

 It was the time when I was battling anxiety and you made sure I wouldn’t be swept away by my own storm.It was the time when we learned to go a bit easier on ourselves.It was the time when I thought I found the love of my life and you were happier for me than I was for myself.It was the time when I was crying over a long distance relationship that didn’t work out and you pieced my broken heart together with hugs and an outpouring amount of love.It was the time when we cried on the phone together because I felt every bit heartache and anger you felt.It was the time when we learned to accept that someone we loved will experience their life, live out their dreams and love deeply again light without us, we understood fairytales and beautiful things end for a reason, sometimes leaving is an act of love, we realized we will fall in love again, hoping someday we will not be weighed down by the heaviness of it all.It was the time when we thought our worlds were tumbling down and we were there to lift each other up when we met up spontaneously just to be in each other’s company during one of those bad days.It was the time when we were adventurous with café hopping and ordered way more food than we could eat.

It was the time when you sent me cute little postcards on your vacations.

It was the time when we planned trips together with our impossible schedules.

It was the time when I opened up to you about losing my grandma.

It was the many times when you came over for dinner with my family.

It was the time when you told me I deserve the most happiness in this world when you make my birthday wish come true every year by just being there.

It was the time when you would call in the middle of the night and we talked until the sun came up.

It was the time when you told me I’ll never have to go through anything alone.

It was the time when you were my confidence boost, you saved me from myself and the real world many many times.

It was the fact that you never stopped loving me during my terrible days. The many occasions when you made me question what I did to deserve your kindness.

It’s every time when I get misty-eyed just thinking about how thankful and blessed I am.

That’s when I knew in my patchwork heart that you are family, my light, and my soulmates for life.

Natalie Ng Lok Wing is a Guest Contributor to MUSE Online. If you are interested in submitting an article, pitch us your idea here.



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