The Ga[e]ls Who Code

Have you ever felt like you couldn't do something because of your gender? In academic and professional environments, it can be difficult to overcome this roadblock - whether it's personal insecurity, systemic sexism, or disregard from peers and colleagues. That's why, for our second podcast of the year, we wanted to talk with the females of Computer Science. At Queen's, we are fortunate enough to have a high ratio of boys to girls in our computer science program in comparison to the rest of the nation, however female students are still very much in the minority. Speaking with students Kate, Sam, and Bronwyn, we were able to understand what it's like to be a Ga(e)l who codes . We were also honoured to have Prof. Wendy Powley join us from the department. Prof. Powley started the first conference for women in computer science in Canada, and this iniative is continuing to expand at a rapid rate.This podcast is available for streaming on 10 major podcast platforms, including Spotify and Apple Podcasts . Make sure to subscribe! 


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