Hello, humans of Muse, my name is Tessa! I am a 13-year-old rescue dog living in Ottawa, Ontario. In my 13 years, I’ve learned a lot of things about being a dog and I’ve met a lot of dogs too! My mom is a dog walker, so I work as a dog walker’s assistant and help her on her daily walks. I am extremely good at napping, finding treats, and digging holes where I’ve been explicitly told not to dig holes. Before I moved to Ottawa, I lived in Quebec for a while until I met the Humane Society and made my way to the Crysler family. My family feels pretty lucky to have found me, and I don’t blame them, I mean, look at how ridiculously cute I am!Anyway, enough about me. Today I am going to tell you some ways that you can celebrate National Dog Day this year! My human sister, Bella, is going to scribe for me, seeing as I have no thumbs, so I can pass on my expert opinion. We dogs work hard as snuggle companions, therapy and service animals, search and rescue, and detection teams all year round - there is a lot of awesomeness to celebrate!
For starters, celebrating national dog day means TREATS! I personally recommend a pig’s ear or salmon bone, but whatever your dog’s favourite treat is, get it. And no messing around and making us high-five or rollover before we get one, on dog day we should all be showered in treats simply for being the best. Step two once treats have been acquired and distributed, is a walk or trip to the park. This excursion should be as long or as short as your dog wants, depending on age, interests, and leg size. You can even surprise your dog by bringing over a friend to play with or bringing out a new tennis ball or frisbee! In addition, on dog day owners should let their dogs sniff every surface and pee in every spot that they want without complaint, even if it does double the length of the outing. Pro tip: you should definitely bring treats with you. Next, it is crucial that you give your dog a snuggle on Dog Day. Multiple belly rubs are recommended as well as scratches behind the ears. Oh, and it never hurts to throw in a treat too. I know firsthand how important programs run by the SPCA and Humane Society are, (they are the reason I found my forever family!), so another way I recommend celebrating dog day is through volunteering or donating to animal rights and welfare organizations. For example, my mom and I volunteer throughout the year for the Ottawa Humane Society in a program called “Brightening Lives” where I get to work as a volunteer animal meeting people around the city! I had to take a test to show how well behaved I was and now my mom and I travel to senior's homes, hospitals, and social service agencies to hang out with the people that live there. You can also make a donation or participate in events run by animal rights and welfare organizations. I think it’s important that as many animals as possible get to find forever families and Dog Day is the perfect time to give back.
My fifth and final piece of advice for you is to resist the urge to dress your dog in anything bootie, sweater, or hat related. Furthermore, Dog Day is not the time for unnecessary brushing, nail clipping, or excessive grooming. I know, we are cute and the urge to have a Dog Day photoshoot will most definitely come over you - but resist. Take one or two photos, but I am begging you, please no weird outfits. So there you have it, my insider tips on how to celebrate Dog Day right this year. As a dog, I know that there is nothing I wouldn’t do to make my family happy and nothing I love more than spending time with them. Making us dogs happy is pretty simple, all it takes is treats and time with our humans. Happy National Dog Day everyone, thanks for reading!