Babajoons and Backgammon

Whenever I sit around the coffee table, backgammon board in front of me, I think back to the time I was first learning the rules of the game. The sound of the dice rolling and the clacking of the pieces as they move across the board transport me back to a simpler time: one spent with my grandparents.

Backgammon is a game that transcends borders and bridges cultural gaps. It is a game that serves as a metaphor for the connections that can be made across generations and cultures. Growing up, I was fortunate enough to learn how to play backgammon and other traditional Persian card games like Pasur from my grandparents. These games not only taught me valuable life lessons - they also created a one-of-a-kind bond between me and my grandparents.

Backgammon is a game that transcends borders and bridges cultural gaps
— Armita Dabirzadeh

My grandparents were born and raised in Iran, while I was born and raised in Canada. Despite the cultural differences between us, the backgammon board served as a bridge that brought us together. We were able to come together and enjoy each other's company through the shared love of these games.

Many days were spent with my grandmother playing the game Pasur while sipping on chai. She would tell me about her childhood, and our rich culture. I learned so much about my heritage and culture through these games and through her stories. She would explain to me the importance of family and the importance of maintaining close relationships with family members. She taught me to be patient and to persevere in the face of challenges, as well as the value of hard work and determination.

When playing backgammon with my grandfather, he would teach me the tricks of the game, and show me not to trust everyone's playing style—especially his, as he frequently tried to cheat. I learned to always think four steps ahead, just like in life, where we must always be prepared for the unexpected. 

Like the game of backgammon, life is full of twists and turns, obstacles and opportunities. Traditional games like backgammon create connections through multicultural generations. They remind us that a deck of cards or some pieces on a board can bring people together. The pastime of Backgammon and Pasur have taught me valuable life lessons and have helped me to appreciate the importance of cultural traditions and the role they play in bringing families together.

Backgammon serves as a symbol of unity and connection. The pieces on the board represent different cultures, backgrounds and generations, but when they come together, they form a cohesive whole. A competitive game can bring the whole family together,, everyone bonding over a good game.

Pasur and Backgammon may just be games, but they hold so much more significance to me. They are reminders of the precious moments spent with my grandparents and the valuable life lessons they taught me.

This piece is dedicated to the Babajoons, the grandfathers, who play backgammon and who have passed on the tradition and the love of the game to the next generations.

Header: Armita Dabirzadeh

Armita Dabirzadeh

Armita (she/her) is the Creative Director of MUSE. She loves making my own clothes, painting and reading books in the sun!


Normal is overrated Anyways


I went to Therapy for 10 years