MUSE Magazine

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Behind the Pages: A Look into MUSE

After months of conversation, deliberation, and all-nighters, Issue XXV will soon be in our reader's hands. 

MUSE Magazine is frequently recognized for its creative editorials and evocative written works. But before the issue is bound and delivered to readers, there is a long process that is necessary for the vision to manifest into a physical copy. 

This journey began back in the spring when the new team was hired and they began imagining what their MUSE legacy would look like. Our Editor-in-Chief, Joanna Petropoulos, knew from the very start that this year, the issue would be more reflective and inventive; “This issue was based on taking the stories that made us, and making our own stories out of it. It was about where we came from, and turning this journey into something physical and visual.” Part of this process, Joanna explains, was reflecting on past MUSE issues and finding inspiration from our previous members. In 2021 and 2022, the MUSE team made a clear and distinctive effort to put their spin on things, and Joanna wants to recognize that “last year was so innovative and pushed the boundaries of what MUSE was capable of—we wanted to use this as a base to grow from.”

If growth was the main vision for this issue from its early stages, it was clear from the first few days of planning in August that this would be no easy feat. Joanna notes that many people would be surprised at just how much time, effort and care is put into a MUSE Issue. Most importantly, the high level of sophistication that is achieved with each Print issue is the result of incredibly close oversight and dedication to detail. “In the nitty-gritty of it all, MUSE is made from the nights spent working until 3am, doing final grammar and visual checks—Print seems grand but it is really in the detailing work where we spend the most time perfecting it”, Joanna explains. While Joanna was on the Print team last year as the Muse’ings Editor, she expresses how excited she was to see all sides of the process this time around.  

The MUSE Business Director Jordan McEwen echoes Joanna’s points on just how much effort is put into the issue, noting the hidden complexities of finding sponsors and follow up on payment photos—just two of the business-oriented tasks that need to be completed to get MUSE to people’s doorsteps. Joanna emphasizes that partnerships are incredibly important in the printing process; “without them, we wouldn’t have a space to celebrate the launch day, and we would not be able to afford to enhance the quality of the issue in the way we did”. Some of the partnerships for Issue XXV include The Lake and YGK Thrift, and throughout the year MUSE has also worked with Cloud 9 Music Festival and Montreal St. Collective. 

After the initial vision and the business framework is established, the quality of the issue is dependent on the collaborative nature of the team. Joanna shares that this team in particular “was so special because everyone was so invested. Each and every one of the editors brought a special perspective into what MUSE is.” She hopes everyone knows just how excited the team was in creating the 25th issue. This excitement manifested in sustained collaboration throughout the process, as the Print and Creative team bounced ideas off one another and demonstrated “a collective understanding of what this issue should look like”. While creative work is famously thought of as deeply independent and personal, to the point where artists' egos are often scrutinized, the MUSE team refutes that stereotype by taking the time to work together and find collaborative solutions to hiccups. “Everyone was so eager to share and help each other elevate their ideas”, Joanna explains. This culture not only enhanced the quality of our magazine but made the creative experience for each member of the team that much more memorable. 

And so now, almost a week out until launch, those who worked tirelessly behind the scenes anticipate the reactions of readers when they get the final product in their hands. Joanna notes that this year, with it being the 25th issue, “we really want our team to feel appreciated and seen. Launch is the best time to do that”. This issue is one that is about celebration; the celebration of the team, of 25 issues of MUSE magazine, and also a celebration of people and the making of their diverse art that fills the pages of this Issue. 

This Behind the Pages series was developed in hopes of sharing some insight into the hard work that goes into creating a magazine. After almost eight months of dreaming, multiple weeks of planning, and many, many nights that became mornings, the MUSE team poured their heart and souls into this issue. From our Editor in Chief to our Contributors, every single person made this Issue for the previous MUSE members before them who pushed the boundaries of what a student publication can do. And they made this issue for themselves; to share their art and grow as creative individuals looking to collaborate and find a community.

And of course, this issue was made for all of you. Whether you have been around for all 25 issues or not, we hope MUSE has made you feel seen.

On December 2nd, MUSE XXV will finally be released to you. Take your copy with you to bed, your favorite coffee shop, or your friend's house. Read it in a space you love with the people you want to share it with. That is how it was intended to be experienced.

“Take your Broken Heart and Turn it Into Art”

Creative Director: Jude Al-Samman

Photographer: Jade Robinson

Videographer: Jorina Lee

Makeup artist: Jill ford

Model: Zemen Raswork and Rav Mall