Have You Gone Full-Joe?
Well, hello there. Sam Turnbull talks about "You" and how we all might be a little more Joe than we realize.

Transformative Television & It’s Impact on LGBTQ+ Acceptance
Modern Family influenced same-sex marriage laws, can trans-inclusive shows improve transgender rights?

Why is No One Talking About King Princess?
In one of our faves from our print edition, Sam Turnbull writes about King Princess and why we should be ready for her to take over.

Alice Merton on Navigating Adolescence
"I would say do what you feel is right – and don’t compromise for something that you feel, isn’t you"

Locals: Clark Hall Pub's Battle of the Bands
Notorious for their quality turbo and tunes, Clark Halls' BOTB is a can't-miss event

Rom-Com Revival - Comparing Then and Now
Hollywood decided to bring back an old favourite - the rom com.

It's Canada's - and the world's - hottest film festival. And MUSE was there.

Remembering Mac Miller
The rapper who brought us hits like "Knock Knock" and "Best Day Ever" passed away last week.

Netflix: To Make a Long Story Short
How Netflix’s shorter original series are changing the media landscape (for the better)

I Feel Pretty Wasn't Pretty
I Feel Pretty was supposed to be the feel-good female movie of the year. But, it was far from that.

Silver Screens and Screwballs
Recently, I discovered a new favourite genre of film. Well, maybe new isn’t the right word, since this genre is a gem originating from the 1930’s. During the Great Depression, Hollywood brought life back through screwball comedies.

Underrated Movie: Summertime
Jane Hudson, played by Katherine Hepburn in the 1955 movie, Summetime, is the pinnacle of the single woman.

Blade Runner 2049: More than a Tribute, More than a Sequel
In a high school film course, my teacher brought a Blade Runner VHS tape to class. He sat down on a desk and held the tape in the air. “This is one of the greatest films of all time.”, he proclaimed. All of us groaned.

Rewatching Lizzie McGuire as an Adult
I don’t remember a time in my early childhood where I wasn’t completely obsessed with Lizzie McGuire. When I wasn’t watching Lizzie fumble her way through her middle school I was listening to Hillary Duff”s (aka Lizzie, aka my queen) Metamorphosis on repeat. It cannot be argued that Hillary Duff did not own the early 2000’s.

Netflix Shows for Every Mood
Ah, Fall. The time of year when we can comfortably binge-watch Netflix under the glow of strategically-placed Christmas lights that make our rooms so cozy. The time of year when we can stop going out and spend our free time in our sweats and favourite hoodies instead. Sometimes, picking a new show to binge-watch is too overwhelming. To make your Fall Netflix days as easy as possible, here are some shows to watch based on how you’re feeling. A Netflix mood-ring if you will.